
Indulgent yet responsible fabrics


O Ecotextiles (and Two Sisters Ecotextiles)

Researchers have come to a greater understanding of the multiple factors that influence obesity, which of course include our diet, but also our hormones, bio-individuality,  epigenetics and increasingly, the environment.  While lack of activity, poor diet, and genetics are frequently blamed for this problem, could there be other factors in the environment affecting our weight …

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Nichlos Kristof gets it!

O Ecotextiles (and Two Sisters Ecotextiles)

Nicholas Kristof had an editorial in the New York Times on February 25, 2018. This is a reproduction of his editorial:  Our bodies are full of poisons from products we use every day. I know – I’ve had my urine tested for them. Surprised? So was I when I had my urine tested for these …

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Toxic textiles by Walt Disney

O Ecotextiles (and Two Sisters Ecotextiles)

The Walt Disney Corporation,  in a letter to Greenpeace in 2003, said that “the Walt Disney Company is always concerned with quality and safety”. Greenpeace decided to test that statement, so – as part of their campaign to show how dangerous chemicals are out of control, turning up in house dust, in household products, food, …

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